Diving right into my relationship with music I think it started somewhere when I was fifteen or fourteen and an album of Westlife’s work would keep playing on and on in the car. My cousins definitely know what I am talking about. I am pretty sure that if you make me sing ‘Fool Again’, ‘Coast to Coast’ or ‘Uptown Girl’ by Westlife right smack in the middle of my sleep – I can sing it. It’s THAT embedded in my subconscious. The examination of Olevel became a witness to many group studies! =D the only buffer was the radio and Jesse McCartney’s Beautiful Soul in the summer of 2005 it was the most overplayed song.
Westlife -Mandy
Then it was college time! It probably now nearly sounds embarrassing but yeah I was strict fan of Simple Plan, Green Day, Roosters, Good Charlotte, Blink182 – this was the start of somewhere at end of 2005 and start of 2006. Punk ruled my life.
Simple Plan - Perfect
Though it was quickly replaced by HardRock by watching too much of Superstar INXS and Superstar Supernova. The competition brought out the worst rocker out in me =D I started listening to Nirvana, Pearl Jam,Metallica, Stone Temple Pilots, Audioslave, Deep Purple and likes of Nickelback.
Stone Temple Pilots - Plush
There was lot of Grunge Music – Creed, Staind (I am sorry but Staind for me still wins the top place), Alter Bridge, Evanescence, P.O.D, System of the down and etc.
Staind - Outside
After lot of head banging and headache I did what nobody does =D I ditched rock and moved to alternative rock or pop rock – Like other in my music club (which would be only be my friend Murtaza and me) who moved to likes of Classic Rock that would be Led Zepplin and Jimi Hendrix’s stuff. Sifting through music which was my past time I came across Lifehouse’s Blind.
Lifehouse - Blind
I felt instantly head over heels in love with that song! I downloaded all their albums. Few of their best work would be ‘You and Me’, ‘Everything’, ‘Take me away’ and ‘Breathing’. My love for Jason Wade (the lead singer for Lifehouse) grew tenfolds when I heard ‘Hanging by the Moment’ – Acoustic version. I dragged Murtaza into my Lifehouse fever. Soon all the playlist was conquered by alternative rock, Goo Goo Dolls, Blue, Bryan Adams (just because I think he’s a legend), Lifehouse, Switchfoot,The Calling, Five for Fighting, etc.
Bryan Adams - Here I am
There was then the weird phase of Indie and Jazz and music which we couldn’t classify anywhere =D it was ruled by Jason Mraz(‘Geek in the Pink’), Howie Day(‘Collide’) and John Mayer.
Jason Mraz - Geek in the pink
The ladies weren’t far behind – Amy Lee, Kelly Clarkson,Dido,Celine Dion (specific songs),Natalie’s Torn, Carrie Underwood were among the ones honored. However at the end of 2007 the bend was Desi and Call’s Bichar ke Bi and Sub Bhulakay top our pod’ chart.
American Idol always proved to be the best trendsetter. First year of university and American Idol was taking me back to the love of rock. My money was on David Cook because he sounded more grunge and had the X-factor and after then next year Kris Allen paved way for country rock.
David Cook - Always be my Baby (Mariah Carey's Week - American Idol Studio Version)
However my music club had disbanded by then and I didn’t find other music crazies – my friend moved onto ‘zenith’ feeling rockstar, The Beatles and Elvis lot. I wasn’t too interested in that so I did what nobody does - I went fishing =D. Yeah, music fishing!
Tv Shows are the best music fishing ground! If you don’t believe me try it yourself! ABC and CWTV shows have massive music following. Shows like Greek, Vampire Diaries, Hellcats and Brother and Sisters have dedicated playlist players too. Whenever I liked any song, thanks to Google and Youtube I would find it. www.tunefnd.com is the best site for this. This self-made practice made me come across a lot of different singers I have never heard off. Ryan Star,Joshua Radin, The Script, Stateless, Jason Walker, Lucy Shwartz, James Morrison and others. Now I would fish and post most of my ‘catches’ on facebook :D – Billboard music just lost its charm for me.
Joshua Radin - Brand New Day
Its 2011 now and no I STILL don’t REALLY don’t like Gaga.
loved it!
ReplyDelete'I dont care what you might think about me .. You can't get by without me - like geek in the pink' =P