Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Rebuttal

Recently I came across a vehement-nearly-accusatory blog of ‘Things I wish girls knew’. It went on to list down author’s point of view of the opposite sex’s ‘usual’ habits or so. Anyway I just want to go and state it on the record that this blog is not an attack to the male population (most of my very good friends come from this category – so I don’t want to step on any toes/ the best part I aint answerable to any men – yet =p so I can safely blog this) plus the whole battle of sexes is exhaustively overdone – since men will side with men and women with women so the whole point is moot but I had promised the author a rebuttal so here it is.

· You do know she can speak right?
I don’t get why most of the men are challenged by a woman who speaks her mind. Some feel threatened as if their masculinity is being questioned. What they don’t understand is that there is nothing interesting about a girl who puts up a face while you puff up as a rooster infront of your friends and have an ego ride. I am trying to have a decent conversation with your friends – I am NOT making fun of you.

· So I smiled at your nonsense – Get a hint dude stop embarrassing yourself.
Smiling doesn’t mean ‘bandi path gayi’ its actually means ‘really?’, ‘Would u shutup!’ or in my case ‘Somebody should put this guy out of his misery!!!’. Mostly women smile when they aren’t really interested in whatever you are saying - It’s called being polite.

· I didn’t spend buck loads of money on cosmetics for you dude! I did it because I like it.
I recently wrote a blog “Battle of Real Beauty vs Makeup” so I cover this point more in detail there but summarizing it – the blush, the hair, the look is there because I like to do it. For many women saving money for cosmetics is a priority because it’s fun. Cause believe me if I don’t want to play dress up nobody can make me. So the ‘canvas’ and DaVinci can be given a rest cause It’s my face and I can do perfectly whatever I want to do with it – go natural or paint my face blue . It’s my call. It kind a equivalent to the massive loads of hair gel and low riding jeans in guys.

· Acting ‘possessive’ is like a red signal
most women like the whole ‘man in power’ dynamics. Well obviously who would want to end up being with sissy guy but there is a guy being possessive and then there is a guy ‘exerting’ his possessiveness – totally different. I am not a chattel honey. I am with you doesn’t mean you own me.

· ‘I don’t want you to do the dishes, I want you to WANT to do the dishes’
this is a dialogue from the movie ‘The Breakup’. The instant I had heard this it got stuck in my mind. It explains a lot of what guys should know. No bandi wants you to do the dishes, mop the floor or do the ‘household’ work but it would hurt to show some appreciation, would it?

· Just because I am girl ‘making tea’ isn’t my middle name
there is nothing wrong with fending for yourself. Yes in the culture we live culinary skills are suppose to be the girl’s department but its highly irritating to solidify the notion ‘just because shes a girl she would know how to cook’.

· Can commit - say no!/ All out!
I have always said this to all my guy friends – don’t lead her on when you don’t want to pop the big question to her. Believe it or not, even with the advance culture and stuff girls don’t do casual – it’s just the way it is. Women don’t like doing things half-way. If has to be crazy – it has to be craziest, pretty – the prettiest. Half-bake goods don’t do well with them. So if she is going all out, she isn’t crazy – she is somewhat a perfectionist.

Khair this was what I had to say in the defense. Other than that if men and women were the same it wouldn’t make for this interesting world now, would it? I am positing this song here because its lyrics sums it up =D Salute to Katy Perry for that!


  1. It was always coming Aliee's way :)

    that dialogue struck me like a lightening too =D

  2. Lolz. I promised him a rebuttal =D

    I know - that dialogue was pretty awesome, infact many dialogues in that movie are pretty right on the spot. btw you should read the Dawn's books and author's (Sunday paper) ka back page. You'd find something interesting there, a story competition ad. I think you should submit a piece.

  3. ahh.. this is good stuff :D

    I have something to say in response to this post:

    Q: What do Women and Police cars have in common?
    A: They both make a lot of noise to let you know they are coming! :P

  4. LOlz!!

    Q.What's the difference between men an government bonds?
    A.Bonds mature.


  5. Men are mature , boys are not :)

    So you may be trying the wrong option !!
