Indeed life throws a curve ball here and then and if we have it to our most disadvantage it makes our nerves raw least when we need it. There is so much we learn as we grow. We experience new emotions, see new shades of gray, imagine smells and learn that people change. I have been as I say one of the luckiest one to learn a lot from tv series, cartoons, movies, music and even from the back cover of the toothpaste box. In old times there was ‘Ainak wala jin’ and series like Aaisiyana, Alpha Bravo Charlie. Today there are countless that I follow.
I read somewhere that ‘All life’s toughest questions are answered in tv series’. I think that person was wise. Even though series and show border on corny, cheesy and sometimes highly predictable plots they do have all the right aspects covered. The story always has a damsel in distress, a knight in shining armor, a villain and ‘the other love interest – well competition is always good =p. Sometimes the damsel is the guy and knight the girl believe me feminism has altered a lot of things. Anyway coming back to the point don’t you think you have all those aspects covered too? Ignoring to comment on being in a relationship and all =D we all do have that rival in our class or at work who we make faces at when they aren’t watching. There is always a potential problem lurking around like flunking, hiding stuff from your folks, getting in trouble for vandalism (which was maybe was when you accidently broke the flower pot on your university premises), breaking promises of ‘don’t-tell-you-know-what-to-you-know-who’ and what not! =D, fair crises of heart and mind, being ditched by your best friends, the makeover routine, the rebellion and sometimes if you could have it way corny we all do have a title soundtrack of our lives too =D but really are life’s truth really answered in television shows?
Maybe yes. For everyone whatever they watch they take a different story from it. Like I have watched the movie Italian Job so many times. First I watched it for the hot Mark Wahlberg, next time I liked the heist part and third time I loved that ‘payback-is-a-bitch routine’. Friends, Dawson’s Creek, One tree hill, all playing around friendship. The focus is not really characters and their friendships. It’s how people evolve in relationships. Why some of us grow up to drift apart and while some still stick to the ground afraid to put themselves out there and some manage to find the balanced place.We do have the famous long list of Disney series with Zack and Cody topping the list.. well then can you say you don't know any 'London Tipton/Paris Hilton' character from your life? I bet not! Series like House M.D, ER, Bones, CSI NY all focusing chemistry and sheer geniuses of people who had fair amount of ‘issues’ and still made it to the top. The new series Flash Forward made me think that maybe after all knowing the unknown isn’t what I want =)(*curses ABC production for sacking the show*). Vampire diaries – well that one puts Edward Cullen to shame(Damon Salvatore!). There is Supernatural and Castle even though the first one is a horror cum humor and later being crime cum humor series its kinda funny how both of these genre horror and crime could even remotely be connected to humor but then Dean Winchester(a character from Supernatural) said “A man has gotta smile and ….eat pies’. I even watched sci-fi.. infact the first few series I watched were Farscape, X-files and Roswell … I was .lets say an sci-fi buff then and I guess from them I learned that aliens not necessary have to be green =D
So maybe watching television shows does not go all in vain. Even if you don’t get anything by them they do kill time perfectly and sometimes you even learn good comeback lines =D.
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